Shake Those Boobs!

Can't get what you want
Unless you're you
The best of you
Honey, you don't gotta hide away
Just to please
Some mindless man
Thinking only
With what's in his pants
Again and again
Watchin' you
Shakin' those boobs
Shake, shake, shake
Let me see you
Stop, stop, stop
Using sheer sexuality
When you're so much more
You know
You could have it all
If you just
Stand up for you
Don't have to
Shake, shake, shake
Oh, come on, girl
To win in life
Stop shakin' those boobs
Wanna be equal?
Gotta word up!
Listen to me
Learn how to get along
In this male dominated world
Rise up
Shout it out
You ain't gonna take it
Fake it
Use it
Double d's alone
Can't get you
What you want
Oh, so girl
Take it from me
Here's what ya gotta do
Got the power
In your hands
One choice
Could change
The whole damn game
But you gotta, gotta, gotta
Have the courage
Be bold
Be now
Tell 'em all
They can take their sexist selfs
And kiss your pretty....
Cause you are woman
About time, baby
They heard you
So be that lion
No more that shy little cub
Stand up
Demand what you want
When you want it
Tell 'em
This is how it's gonna be
From here on out
Ain't gonna be quiet
Ain't gonna be meek and mild
And most important of all
Ain't gonna....
Chorus 2X
2015 Ramona Thompson
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Thank you Word Man.

Thank you Word Man.

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sounds like a top ten to me

sounds like a top ten to me

ron parrish