Jibberish release

Added in 2011

I’m angry tonight,
The fires are burning inside
Consuming the words that manifest
Destroying my thoughts
I can’t seem to think straight,
I feel like screaming,
Like crying
But I am bleeding on the inside
I’m dying with no cure
The hate rages on inside me
The words they come so fast
But then they hide
Frightened I may share them
They know I will
I will exploit these feeling
Until they recede

My angry is feeding my rage..
The animal hidden inside
The hunger to destroy
To feed on him
The one that keeps my sanity
That small bottle he keeps
He hides it and shakes it
He finds joy in my pain,
Joy in the chaos of my heart
I hate him..
I hate that perfect smile,
The sound of his voice,
The way his hair falls
I hate that car, the color
The smell of you in the morning
I hate you!
My rage is becoming a new
Reality of you is sinking in
I have to breathe
How can I breathe as I die
Where is the air,
It’s gone

Stale and bitter sweet
That’s all that’s left,
The emptiness
The cold that follows
Your face burned in my mind
That face.. those eyes
That smile..

I hate you..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just pissed and writing.. it wont make sense so just ignore this one till I fix it later untainted by anger.

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deepblue's picture

great read

You're so in-tune with who you are and how to enable yourself to be loud, to be honest - and that's a rare, very respectable trait in a person

The truth is we all have angry tendencies from time to time, the only difference is some ppl choose to express it more (or express it differently) than others but in my opinion that's so important to communicate - and the only way ppl see that part of you is if you show them..and you have the courage to do that here.

With that said, at some point you will need to find peace with this hardship for your own sake and your own benefit...it's so difficult to thrive if you don't confront it and be able to find a vivid future - and you deserve that

Great work, take care

raminastar's picture

Aww, my friend you truely

Aww, my friend you truely made my day here with this one. I know that anger leads to nothing but my own unhappiness and thats why I write. This is how I tame that beast, I let her destroy my pain on paper..(Or on my screen LOL). I have dealt with this pain.. and anger my whole life this way and it works so very well.

Peace for me only comes after the words take form.. after they have been written down in so many different ways that I just can't find a new way to write it. Thats when I know I have let it all out, that I am free.

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them so very much :) I may never truely ride myself of my anger but I will always have my outlet, my santuary where I can just let go, just be free.. be me..

In my writting I do not have to worry about what people think, or how they feel because its how I feel and hopefully my pain can help another someday.

Unfortunately for the world I am a former Marine and thus I am loud.. Loud and brutally honest. I am proud as well but I think that here in this place.. with my friends like you I am humbled. You all see the real me, the weaker side.. The side the world over here may never know. Thank you for accepting me for me :)

I am sooooo tired and I think I wrote a book of jibberish here so I will end at that. Have a great night and thanks again :)


deepblue's picture

you are quite welcome

i couldn't agree more, especially about peace coming after the words take form..it's almost as if you finally understand them for the first time in a tangible way, gives you the freedom to act accordingly with a greater sense of purpose

Accepting one another is one of the fundamental building blocks for building character. I will always accept somebody in whom I believe accepts the real me for me. As far as coping with anger goes, believe me the last thing I'd want to do is change any steps of the process that gets you by, especially when it yields results like this. I just know it can get the best of me at times and..like you mentioned..I like my experiences to help others too

And of course best of luck to you in the future - keep writing :)
Take care