Speechless again


The sunset breezes hit my skin,

These tranquil seas have seen my sin,

But, as for now let silence stir,

As I contemplate this pain incurred,

The saddest memories cast ashore,

Like distant burdens left to yore,

Where all that's lost is gone for good,

And nothing said is understood,

I've finally broken down and cried,

Still no hush to the screaming inside,

A beaming orchestra from deep with in,

Prying recklessly here beneath my skin,

Here in the darkness my torture begins,

I lay dormant in silence, speechless again

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PoeticParable_SporadicIntervals's picture

WOW that was beautiful... WOW this speaks volumes to me. To me it states everything within that no one can see, yet on the outside one pretends as if all is well, but one day we must release and face what we think is our secret to the world.

Excellent You truly are have the of gift of words, you just expressed how I feel yet never knew how to say