Party Like A Rockstar

Why do artists live such short lives?
They bless us with music, paintings,
Sculptures, and castles in the skies.
Knew a boy once. Met him on the bus.
Fell in love in the fourth grade.
Wonder if anyone else saw his pain.
This boy grew up, I moved away.
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I had stayed.
Read in the paper one day. Joey was dead. Died in his home.
He was all alone.
Now another is gone.
His death is just all wrong.
But his music still plays through my speakers.
We still need him, though life's become a little bleaker.

He said:
"Sometimes solutions aren't so simple,
Sometimes goodbye's the only way."
Words from the singer of Linkin Park.
Hope he's found his way out of the dark.

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Artists, Singers, Musicians, Writers, Painters

let in all the images and all the emotions that accompany them - then must absorb them, cast them off in purges periodically, or go insane. In a drug/gun/suicide/disease culture - too many death options court all who heavily bear such artistic gifts. Condolences to the survivors. Rest In Peace, Chester Bennington. ~Lady A~




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True... Rip 

