Ghost Ships

My heart is a ship sailing upon black waters.

Wailing winds falter, creak and shiver through.

Jagged rocks mock from their frigid mossy beds.

My minds made up, loose all sails.

I'm making it through this hell.

My life lines secure and the night echoes my laughter.

Come at me world, I'm ready. This is my happily ever after. 

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muneer's picture


You are the captain


where you steer it, it will go.


PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

I love the hints of optimism

I love the hints of optimism poking out from the bleakness.

allets's picture

A Great Write!

It has great images and is nicely organized - the emotional content is awesome. The ship motif works fabulously and the line "...come at me world, I'm ready..." is simple and summarizing. Nice - Enjoyed lots - Lady A -