Dalit poems of Rajesh Sidhartha / Disqmbiguation

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Into the light, the darkness seeks its reemergence
Its shallow platitudes, its pillows of soaked memories
Dim eyes of pain, swallow crystals of sighs
Dawn is inhospitable, as its fractured jaws takes a sleepy bite

While it was love that harassed your dreams
Now its daylight, splitting its veins
Onto  your sweaty forehead
Its gasping, dirty breath

Flickering moments you had subdued in your palms
Like a rainbows of uncertainties'  disambiguated into a stark,
sharp light 
As chimerical death hops around your window pain
Screaming for entrance through eyelids of drawn curtains
No Abecedarian you for novice like death to plant its echoes
You could refract the gossiping wisdom
To harness your ambiguities
To a definitively winning prides horse

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