where's the help?

where's the help?
life through years
which have been drowned in tears and fears
have robbed off hopes and dreams
does it ever change?
when does it all end?
they say my time will come
but for how long shall i hope?
i've walked the lenght of my tunnel
yet it's all been in vain
for i saw no light at its end,
who put my lamp out?
its summer now,
yet the cold of winter lingers
the sun has risen
but my clouds have grown darker
where is the help?
i've waited in the storms
risen with the birds
stayed up with the owls
and watched the seasons sail home
so i would be right there when help came
it's been many years past
and yet i wait and wait
my hopes and dreams, vain.
so where is the help?
when does it come?
i do not know
i do not know.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

we all go through hard times. most often we feel helpless. its a difficult time when one feels alone with no help. i know am not alone :-)

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