
Love Life

I once thought I knew true love,

Until my heart was pulled and torn in pieces,

Fragmented parts of what once was a settled peace,

Thrown up in a depressive frenzy once again,

To relive those years I thought were long gone,

That I had hoped would have dissapeared,

They said that there was a higher force,

That held it in store for me,

Someone else wrote the scriptures for my life,

They carried the fruits of glory that would be my burden,

Passing the gold from one to the other,

Until it was passed off as a useless metal,

In the form of me,

But I made that steel into a blade,

I am my own weapon, sharp and readied to attack,

I won't have my road carved in stone,

I'll walk the sands alone, and mark the route myself,

With just my footsteps in my own direction,

No other will flaw my choices and will,

Though they said the sisters would play their game,

With this little life of mine,

I'll become their puppet, their pawn,

To do of as they will, to end at their disposal,

So I set out on my journey with a gleam in my eye,

Seeking the ones who could pull me down,

And there in the fields of my own mind,

I found the woman of beauty and dread,

Combing her hair in the light of the setting sun,

And staring at her reflection, unlike her own,

In the waters of the lake of my thought,

Destiny was her name, and she sang of loves defeat,

A swift, gentle voice slipping through rose lips,

She spoke of sand and stone, slipping through hands of time,

The crumbling of a being, the death of a soul,

I resented her then, chanting the very words of my life,

About the very trial I was about to embark upon,

If Destiny had a part in this cruel, twisted tale,

I swear, I'd take her by the hand and lead her to the cliff,

And as the small child falls through the skies,

I know she'll find her wings and rise once again,

The innocent bliss within her eyes is enough to set me straight,

It was not the fairer sister who offered me this trial,

The older of the two, Fate, the tainted one,

Watched me from her little lair, pulling and my threads,

Running the edge of her blade along my will to live,

I too stood upon that cliff, but I didn't stay for long,

Withstanding the test of my faith,

I knew that I was in the wrong place,

Seeking the wrong thoughts and cherishing the wrong emotions,

I found her in that place, between the sand and stone,

Beneath the earth of my heart,

Buried for so long beneath the regret and the doubt,

She had survived their on the pain I had bred,

But for no longer as I took my words,

And brought her down, by saying simply,

"I know true love."

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