Anonymous Wouldn't You Like to Know?

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

This is just a profile for the old stuff I wrote that I'm not exactly proud of anymore... I wasn't always (and am still not) the greatest writer, but this stuff means a lot to me. I keep everything I ever write and I post it all too (in case of a fire... I am paranoid about losing my work, but that's the beauty of the internet, it will always be here). So if you read this shit be gentle (or not, it's been years and I don't care too much)- I understand this is all adolescent gothy/emo crap... Endless lonely... Endless Candy. =)

About My Navel

Innie and pierced, should try to write a poem for this but i can't think of anything right now...

Website(s) or Email

Come visit my other profile if you want to see how I've evolved. It's ManicDelight and I only post poems I am actually 100% proud of.


Member for
18 years 12 weeks