I say, “I love you”
only to keep you
not so much that it’s true
I am greedy & I am needy
& can’t seem to
quench my immaturity
we will wine & dine
dance & romance
please believe another
beautiful woman may
steal my glance
don’t get me wrong
our sex is strong
& let it be no wonder why
your stay has been so long
& although we fuck
you are truly the last
person I will trust
you are simply my
(for real you are top 7
of my best dates)
kept woman,
other woman,
painted woman,
(it really trips me out how you
believe you are mine)
shack job,
(I am being honest when I say
you give unparalleled blow jobs)
call girl,
easy make,
piece of tail,
(you know a real relationship between
us is bound to fail)
the thesaurus did have a longer list
and a lot of adjectives I did miss
I just want you to understand you
are as important as a Thursday night
episode of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
seriously, you really mean that
much to me
you are almost the best thing
that has happened in my life
well of course, except for my wife
But please always remember this,
I say, “I love you”
only to keep you
not so much that it’s true