
Sometimes God showers us

With blessings that we don’t

know how to accept

He will give us exactly what

We’re asking for

& we will turn an intentional

blind eye to it

Sometimes God makes a way

for us to have what it is we need

& want in unlikely ways

but we allow our hurt and anger

our embedded insecurities to

sabotage what is heaven sent

Some of us, God gave good sense

& the ability to feel our hearts

But we sometimes get caught up in

allowing our past to dictate our

present and ruin everything God

has given us

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

Preach, preacher. This was divine.

wisdomscry's picture

I read this peace over and over again. It is full of wisdom. It caused me to reflect on past and present decisions,Wonderring how many blessings have I forfeited or sabotaged because of my own inner turmoil. Basically my perception of my own worthiness or worthlessness determined my ability to receive. It was never my merit but god's unconditional love, grace and merecy that quaified me then and now for any goodness.

Thank you for sharing this poem.

Prophetic Echo

Gail Clarke

Neu Woman's picture

I needed to read this.

Very true.

~Jadalyric~ aka neuwoman ;-)