4 a.m.


Faceless lovers in my dreams



pleasing me thru the night

as the hours of darkness

pass my by

1, 2, 3 at a time

making love to me over & over

in my mind

never knowing how far they will

take me in my subconcious

using their disguise as my


the touch of their hands

seem so real

kisses from their lips

I can feel

on my chest burning

with fire

fulfilling my fantasies

my every desire

my every thought they seem

to know

as they continue to show

how they concentrate

to manipulate

my erected mind

as they find new ways in my


to make me scream a

voiceless scream

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Tawanda Roberson's picture

fucking chills are running down my spine...damn luv...I had never read this one...and you got me with it...could we....nevermind ;o)

misty lackey's picture

a nice poem to read, this poem made my heart beat really fast. very good work.

Dana Jewel Harris's picture

Dude, I think you got those same nymph genes my boyfriend has. Your verbal sex is so much fun and so surreal. It really puts you in a freaky kinda mood. Whooh! A coupla more and I'll be ready to call Sam. Thanks, baby!

Dana Jewel

Shanita Johnson's picture

Damn, I miss those days. I guess I am just going to have to give my man a quicky before he goes to work for now on... this one was steaming...