My Poetry


I mask my reality

With the title of dreams

Only to avoid the hell

my truth will cause

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Dana Jewel Harris's picture

How bad could it be? Really?!?

Dana Jewel

Karyn Indursky's picture

Short, ensightful, blunt. Nicely put. I feel like you share part of the inner turmoil I've been feeling. I haven't been writing because I'm afraid of exposing things about myself. It wouldn't be so bad if were things I'm comfortable with, but right now I'm not. It's sort of odd because some of what I'm thinking and feeling inside is of topics I've written about before. I wish I would have progressed instead of retrogressed. I don't know. Maybe, I haven't and have done the opposite. But I'm not ready to let someone know what's going on to find out. Thanks for making me think.