My mind was always a bloody battle ground
Where I ploughed the gore-crusted fields of war
It was slaked mud that crunched
From trampling jackboots
Pure snow driven and tamped by marching feet
into icy sleet
How I longed for peace
For the end of war
I wanted to go home
I wanted to be left to myself
I hid in those trenches,
With my brothers in arms,
shoulder to shoulder,
Our backs to the wall.
We drew our long coats tight,
And we buried our faces
in each other's cold necks
For there we waited for the next onslaught to begin
Timid rabbit boys
clutching loaded guns
and unlit cigarettes
The field was soaked in rust smelling blood
Which turned black and bracken in the wintry hell
And we stood in the frozen bog
after each victory, soaked in red
Steam curling off our scarlet blades
Watching the survivors flee our rage
As the bodies stacked beneath me
As the years dragged on
I had the gall to be proud
But you must understand,
I was finally defending myself
I was trying to go home
The winter wind always brought another foe
It was there he found me,
He staggered onto the freezing battlefield
At twilight's last hurrah
He and his men looked as haggard as me and mine
He held himself with the same defensive fear
As I held myself,
We met when we were barely holding ourselves together
Love me better, he pled, love me better
But I didn't understand, and
neither of us were ready to call off our men
So I roared, and we attacked each other
I do not remember how we locked arms
Our lips, Greek and gracious
Saying hateful things
"Bosie, don't say such things!" he wailed
The fighting dragged on
And I remember the pain in his face
As I slammed him on his back,
into the mud
I slapped him
Oh, the shame in my gut---
He wept openly
there was fighting all around us
My hands wrapped around his delicate throat
"I love you," he choked and it drove me to fury
How could he say such a thing,
just to mock me!?
And I killed him as the sun came up
His leaderless army fled
And I straddled his unbreathing chest
Panting like a starved dog
I looked around---
Everyone was gone
or dead
In the orange dawn
The steam of my breath
Rose like battle smoke to the sky
And in that frozen carnage
As the crows and wild mutts descended
I screamed---
I wept
I never found home
I was finally alone
When love turns to PTSD. I
When love turns to PTSD. I get it.
Your running metaphor was a grenade to the heart and it exploded into devastatingly brilliant lines. At the end, there was a hush, an eloquent silence, that hovered as I took in the impact of that last word "alone". A stoke of genius to isolate that last line and imbue it with so much weariness, finality and significance.
Amazing image work. Remarkable.
This poem was difficult to
This poem was difficult to read---not because of any flaw, but because of the verbal skill with which you deploy your words. Your extended metaphor of warfare (for some reason, I kept thinking of images from WWI) is handled with exquisite skill, and thus, due to that skill, the poem is not at all easy to read. That kind of difficulty is not a flaw; it is often a sign of a high degree of poetic art.
Starwardized [fka Starward]
Sometimes love really feels
Sometimes love really feels like war and I'm just glad it's over