I walk town to town
Once again on my own
I hum to myself
The nameless tune
The human sound
The three note song;
Low high middle
(On the Nashville number scale
One, four, two)
I dream of a home
On the wall, my dancing shoes hang
My hearth filled with ash
Like cremated bone
Low high middle
I hum to myself the nameless tune
There are times
Between the dancing
And the weeping
When the world around me
watches me in curiosity
And I watch back, amused
There are times
Between the dancing
And the weeping
When sitting with myself
Is like being with a friend
I walk town to town
And a silly thought takes me
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang
Not with a whimper
Not at all, I think
I walk town to town
This poem is very emotionally
This poem is very emotionally engaging, and the nod to Eliot's Hollow Men at the end is brilliant!