5. Finale

Sojourner Series

I walk town to town

Once again on my own

I hum to myself

The nameless tune

The human sound

The three note song;

Low high middle

(On the Nashville number scale

One, four, two)

I dream of a home


On the wall, my dancing shoes hang

My hearth filled with ash

Like cremated bone

Low high middle

I hum to myself the nameless tune

There are times

Between the dancing

And the weeping

When the world around me

watches me in curiosity

And I watch back, amused

There are times

Between the dancing

And the weeping

When sitting with myself

Is like being with a friend

I walk town to town

And a silly thought takes me

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang

Not with a whimper


Not at all, I think


I walk town to town

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Sojourner does not reach the end of her journey, but a bit of hope carries her on

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This poem is very emotionally

This poem is very emotionally engaging, and the nod to Eliot's Hollow Men at the end is brilliant!
