
I bet you didn’t know how hurtful it felt,

Didn’t know how it made me feel,

How I feel now, thought I could trust,

Am I wrong, or can I trust you?

Divulging my secrets, personal things,

And your friends wonder why I was angry,

Not just at them but at you as well,

My friend, betraying my trust.

Anger, sorrow, tears, hurt,

Trust, heart, both broken,

Hate raging through my veins,

Tears falling from my eyes.

Feeling betrayed, I trusted you with too much,

My very being and you kill me, why?

Cheap laughs, thrills, or just to hurt me?

Got your point across you don’t like me.

Body heaving with the oxygen lack from crying,

Chest in pain, forcing more air into my lungs,

I don’t care what I said; I may do it anyways,

Forget things I have said to you, you betrayed me.

My trust for you lies in the gutter,

My rage towards you fuelled by my demon,

Things spinning out of hand,

Silver ness dropping into my hand.

Pain hitting like a bullet to the head,

Hard, fast, point blank range,

Blood pouring like rivers, crimson rivers,

Flowing like they would down a mountain side.

A pain in my heart for you, aching, gaping,

A giant wound in the centre of my chest,

That’s where you were, no longer are,

Forever remaining there, the hole, big and black.

In your hand a heart, my heart, lifeless,

Watching you crush it, you’re cruel,

My body crumbles slowly under your gaze,

My soul, ceasing to exist any longer.

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