I lay awake a night crying,
I feel numb inside,
So why do I cry?
I break my own heart,
I think about you,
I think about life,
I want to tear skin from bone,
I want my heart to stop hurting,
Tears run down my cheeks,
What is this emptyness inside?
I wait for you,
I reach out to you,
I pour my heart and soul into you,
I ache,
I break,
I cry,
I dont know what to do,
My trust is broken,
My heart is shattered,
I feel numb inside,
I hurt inside,
Im stripped of my pride,
I surrender to you,
I beg for you on my knees,
I want to run and hide,
Im scared of what will happen,
I love you,
I trust you,
I know you will hurt me,
Tears roll down my cheeks,
My skin grows cold,
The air around me changes,
I cant breathe,
I look in your eyes,
They are devoid of life,
Black holes of nothingness,
The tears slow,
My breathing shallow,
There is the lie,
I wrap myself in darkness,
I waited for you,
You hurt me.
Early AM
3am I pondered logistics vs. physical strength to expend energy and make new gials and deadlnes. No demon with empty eyes at my shoulder to rear but decline when I want to go go go.
No way you get my fear.
Death statistics took away
that emotion last year.
Stand aside, it is rumored
a sun is rising and you
are blocking my view.