When You Know It's Life


I've lived through several
of the dark seasons that
broken hearts are known to

I've traversed among the grand
forests of despair that are so
common along a path we either
meander aimlessly along or walk
with great purpose.

I've even lived in a house
made entirely of a sorrow
so great, it almost led me
to lose myself in its halls.

However, through all these
things I endure and hold on
to the light of existence
that ever spurns us forward.
Even when we would give over
to the lies our emotions
often whisper to our souls.

That beautiful and divine light
which ensures that we know it
will never be so bad we cannot
rise and stand again.

When destruction knocks and
we answer it with strength
and courage, not loss and
misery, that is when you know
it's life.

For the beating of the heart
inspires us to hold fast to
the promise the creator so
graciously proffers.

That it is always in light
that we will find the truth
of ourselves.  We have been
imbued with his own breath.

And it will not fail us if
WE do not concede defeat at
the core as we are meant to
endure these things.

For this too, reminds us of
the that it is all a part of
the order of this plane and
the sum of our actions here.

So each time we are adorned
in the sorrow, despair, and
misery that is sure to come
during the course of our time
here, know this in surety.

That in all these things that
appear so intensely adorned
in opposition to all that is
light and beautiful that this
is just a way to insure the
soul's growth.

And so we are reminded, so
vivdly, that when we are so
remanded, we need to know that
this, too, is Life.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspiration from a friend when discussing what occurs during writers block.

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