My Wishdream

"I can't decide what is pulling me more.

The wish to be in the same space or...

the desire to be saddled with the burden

of holding the world in place so that no

single hair on your head would be disturbed

from its current perfection.

I can't understand what desires and passions

make me feel so compelled to move Heaven and Earth...

that when, so bent to my will, they are but

the mere framework meant to display you in

such awesome fashion, the stars and planets pale.

I'm not by any means so superhuman that I

could perform these things.

But my heart and head live for the moment when...

by just holding your hand and looking deep into

the place where souls are known to live...

I might find my heart's salvation and know what

it means to live for the beating heart of another.

Such are my dreams.

And such is my wish on this star tonight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What longing means to the hopeful heart.

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