My Work Calls

My work calls me to it's

velvet tasks and I manage

it with care.

The toil and sweat I expend

for you is as if my very life

depends on the completion of

each action.

Every step, every bend, every

fold is meant to excite your

senses with, what seems to be

mundane, but is the epitome

of purposeful activity.

Take solace in my moves,

baby. The brother has work

to do and he works hard for

your affection.

Nothing gives greater joy

to see your smile, or the

glistening sheen of love

spread undeniably across

your features.

Whether I be a morning

person or a night owl, I

do work for you, my love.

And it is in the mounds

and valleys of your

Nubian splendor that I

exert myself. As long...

and as strong...from the

first to the last.

And it is here, and in the

mines of your heart, where

I move towards your

satisfaction and the promise

of your greatest gift...

your love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by E2K. Attention is further arrested and detained. Thanks for the inspiration.

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