One day, perhaps in my future's past,
I will arrive at the destination I have
long saught to be my inner home. Where
trees are lush and full and where the
echoes of my childhood are but mere pings
not unlike that of straight pin dropped
upon a granite floor.
Perecption is deceiving. Life is illusory
until it, as time, folds neatly and compactly
into the miasma that final oblivion brings
and all that is left is hindsight. A hindsight
so pure and clean as mountain water in cupped
hands. Fresh, clear, new from the snow and ready
to drink. It's taste and refreshment as real and
right as the rain. It's clarity as stark and
absolute as the first sight of new snow.
Therefore look deep into oneself and find what
visions lie there and seek to tell their tale
without hesitation or delay. The truth delights
and lies dilute. Let the forgone conclusions of
your existence always be in your ability to look
towards and see the light. It is the polemark
which will see you through all adversity and
whatever illusions may come. This is the best
that I have to offer because it is the crux of
all I have learned. Grow. And be content in the
growing. Live. And be well in the living. From
these things, you will