
Drowning in an ocean of words,

words used to push the boundaries

of my uncharted mind & create

long awaited visual orgasms within

your sex starved sight.


My Soul’s compass spins endlessly,

sails have been set with

no destination in sight, no

treasure where X marks the spot.


With each nautical mile traveled

forward, I uncover each layer of

dead weight, past feelings and

current drowning emotions, pulling

you aboard the anchorless boat

that is my mind, body & soul.


No course is set on this vast voyage

of discovery, just trying to keep afloat

& avoid capsizing my cargo while

taking on all waves coming my way.


Drowning is an ocean of words

& emotions… Someone throw me a lifejacket.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Friday, September 13, 2013

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