Whose key do I hold in my heart?
Who’s key is this,
This key will unlock my inner most emotions
This key is to unlock your heart
I offer this key to who ever,
Who ever holds the key ingredients.
I offer this key to who ever, in nudity,
And expect it to unlock you, you in your nudity.
As we stand together nude, with nothing to hide to one another,
I offer the key to my heart
And hope it opens the lock to yours.
As the key enters the lock,
Last minute thoughts flow through my head;
Wonderin’ if finally this is it,
Wonderin’ if this key is meant
To unlock your heart, your soul.
As I enter you, it feels right,
Every link of your lock, is matching the
Grooves of my key.
Can you feel me, can you
Feel all the pieces of puzzle come together
As we join together. Can you
Feel me reach deep inside you.
Can you feel me searchin’ for
The spot. Can you
Feel me move, as I try to unlock our love.
With every touch, every sound,
I feel us becoming one;
These moments are everlasting and
With each pleasuring moment shared between us
The moment of bliss occurs.
We felt each other, with
Each movement and each groove
You felt me. The moment of
Climax has arrived as I make my
Last turns, my last moves;
I feel our energy being released
As your shape shakes in anticipation
Until…. The light of love is released.
The white light flows down between us,
And is heard through our moans
And loss of breath.
My key has made its way
Through you, unlocking our souls &
Our minds to each other.
Love has no combination,
Love uses a key to unlock its power.