LOST & FOUND (Subway Submission part 2)

What if you saw someone

and wondered about them,

What if it was on the subway

where you saw this person,

and what if when you got

off at your stop, they did also...


He was able to make out

each step she was making

towards the subway exit,

Sharing each step & each stair.

There was no takin his eyes

off her, but he did it at

a distance to keep his cool.

And in a SPLIT second, after

his name was shouted by a friend,

he lost site of her,

lost each step with her & what

has been on his mind all this time.


With each step she made,

thoughts were crossing her mind,

Whether or not he was behind

her or if he went the other direction.

She could also feel a presence outside

her own, which lead her to believe... he there.

or is he... as a the wind from the subway entrance

blows her hair back, she pauses for a second,

as she feels as if maybe that wind did more then blow

her hair back, but maybe it blew away that presence,

she looks back and he not... there

wind left this for another time, another place.


They both continue on their own ways, both thinking

and wondering, if something was meant to of happened,

if they were to meet, maybe this was a one time thing,

that maybe it was my stop, but not his/hers.

Her walk has lead her to her apartment, and him, to his

and the elevator door closes, ending another day,

his continues, as he rushes to get a closing elevator,

she presses her floor button... and a hand stops the door...

2 B cont'd... again

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