Fortune Cookie

Spring rain falls

cleanzing this night,steam

rises from the ground... a rebirth.

Puddles are forming all around

me and each one has life

as rain drops continue to

ripple the water,

and just like the ripples in

my glass of water as you approached,

my life was about to be reflected to you.

Sleepless nights filled with

undreampt dreams consumed me,

until you made your mark in my life.

I walked alone and now I walk with you,

you hold me down with reality

and yet, it seems as if when we are

together, we are lifted away from reality...

for a short second, the world stops...

and you hold my heart hostage

from all the negatives in this world

and lock all that is good with a kiss

My fortune is not held in a cookie

my fortune was you finding me,

you read what was written on me &

I am writing your fortune...

knowing the lil things you are,

i gather you, in my own words,

they will need more then one cookie

to contain what you mean to me...

my fortune.


Lets see what my Fortune holds...

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Since this is about know I have a personal bias as to how good it is. You know I love the way you put words to our sentiments...only like you can...I will always admire the work you do