My prescription

Time spent in midnight moments

surrounded by the darkness, the aches,

the pain & me playin hide & seek

with the light.

Darkness plays with the time in my

head and time becomes limitless.

It is at these times, when...

when i discover you and begin

the slow, escalating drip of luscious,

unforgetable bliss in which you get me high.

You got me addicted to you and no

perscription can be filled to get me down

from this morphine like high.

It flows through me, touching

every part of me at different times,

letting me feel what it is you are.

Bringing tears to fill my eyes....

but they don't trickle down my face

& take that final leap,

instead they stay flooded within

my mind & my thoughts, inspiring me

to relieve each tear through words...

Like.... like the way I re-live your beauty,

which is carved into my inner

most thoughts and explored each sleep,

after the light has found all of my hiding spots,

after my high has began its decent,

i fall to a deep sleep..... Bedtime....

Same time tomorrow???

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