At The Mamartine Prison's Gates, In Pleasant Twilight



I would not have defined as worst of scandals

"to crucify that man from Galilee."

My dice acquired his tunic and his sandals,

as he sagged on that cross in agony.

And no, it raised no sentiment in me;

not then, not in the depth of my damnation.




Years hence, ordered to crucify another---

a boy just reaching manhood; someone's son

or grandson, or elder or younger brother---

a sudden flash of haunting memory

recalled to mind that place called Calvary.

I told the old, startled centurion,

"Do this yourself, if you must have it done."

And at that moment, I felt my Salvation,

and that meant life with Christ eternally.




A veteran and born citizen of Rome,

I spent my life's last third preaching of Christ,

the Lamb of God, for our sins sacrificed.

That hatchet man you brought---just as you said,

Ofonius---does not stir up one shred

of doubt, despair, nostalgia, or plain dread.

As I kneel here, and he lops off my head,

I will soar skyward to Christ, and His Home.




Go on, after this spectacle, and be

distracted by your own debuachery.

Behind those private, and triply barred, doors,

you will enjoy spiced wine (plenty to drink)

and bottoms of newly pubescent whores.

Too far gone, you cannot change what you think---

no more than monkeys can perfume their stink.




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