Scarred For Life

I will never forget the day.

The day that I was permanently scarred.

Here is the story.

One night I met this guy.

It was love at first sight.

From the moment I saw him I knew he was right.

Then one night we started going out.

When my mom found out she started to shout.

Just because of a difference in age.

So i began to cry in rage.

Then everything came unglued.

I stayed out of school for a week or two.

Then I realized I was really screwed.

And then I fell into depression.

So I thought i'd take a switch in direction.

Thats when I did it.

I cut myself.

Now I am scarred for life.

Not only scarred on my outter appearence,

but scarred on the inside.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem about an expierience I had.

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thethingsivefelt's picture

know how that feels been there done that great write though