Rose Colored Glasses

Rose Colored Glasses

I wear rose colored glasses
Accused of looking at the world through
them and not seeing the realities of life,
my escape from the world as it is.
I wear rose colored glasses
My attempt to dim the glare of the life’s misery
Rose masks the blood of homicide
the murdered corpse appearing simply asleep
Bruises are nonexistent when viewed through
my colored lenses
The drug addicts gray pallor cannot penetrate my
lenses rosy hue.
If skewed at the perfect angle, sadness, apathy, hopelessness, and pain are virtually unrecognizable.
But, in reality, I wear rose colored glasses
to hide my horror over the inhumanity of which I am forced to bear witness
To hide my shame over man’s brutality to man
To hide my bloodshot eyes from the tears I cry
To hide the puffy eyes of insomnia, as I ponder change
Yes, I wear rose colored glasses
And until the world changes, behind them, looking out,
is where you’ll find me.

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allets's picture


Nice to read new voices on PP. Welcome - A



purpleheart63's picture


Thank you. I have the full book, called "Dreams in Acapella" on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Outskirts press websites. It is also available as a download to your Kindle from Amazon. Check it out.