everyone can learn

we're not all the same, ya we all like a comfortable sunny day.
but we all interpret what we see and hear in a different way.

if we go to school and are all taught in a way that's the same.
some will advance intellectually and some intellectually lame.

people learn in different ways, some may learn by listening, talking, or reading.
yet others by seeing, touching, doing or creating.

there is really no correct or uniform way to teach.
not everyone can be reached with a conformed preach.

one who stares out a classroom window is bored. teach them in a different way completely.
don't label them and hop them up on drugs for A.D.D


some are physically strong,some mentally, some are artists and some are great at philosophy.
we're not clones from the same mold, so we all wont learn in uniformity.


we must rethink education so that everyone will succeed.
and teach everybody in the way that they need.

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as schools become more & more

as schools become more & more accountable to government, they have a uniform way to teach. this in fact will leave many young people behind. at a time when schools were more accountable to parents, the children were taught in the way the teacher knew best for that child. uniform thinking is lowering the ability teach & learn.