as a father i find nothings more precious then a daughter.
and nothing brings me joys more then my boys. 
some say not to spoil your children.
i say, as they grow they need bigger toys. :)

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bishu's picture

Hello papa

Real down to earth thoughts. But.... please elaborate a little more




punkpoet's picture

thanks, you are right. this

thanks, you are right. this little one was a response to a facebook post which read, "not to spoil your children" but i say, "if you can spoil them, please do" ha ha! 

bishu's picture

Mr pp

"Greater Love than this hath no man" ....... The love for his near and dear ones.

I have a 9 year old pet dog (brown colour fur) He was sick since Oct 2012. I simply

had to pray !! He is wild so it was difficult to take him to the vet. He had stopped eating 

totally. A guy came to give him a prick of some nice drug.... the needle bent and the 

poor creature growled at him and almost bit him. So.............. no injections !! A kind man

advised me to consult a vet who lives close by. He prescribed oral medicines

 Only after 6 long months the dog is okay. My happiness is so much I cant express in

words................................ Unadulterated love dog for man/ No claims/ no demands

Sorry for killing your timeSealed



punkpoet's picture

i have four dogs, so i know

i have four dogs, so i know mans relationship with them. i also know that dogs have unconditional love for man, unlike most animals. i'm truly delighted to hear this little story, and glad the dog is doing better.