

It was peculiar enough being pushed into such a unique community, thanks to my mom’s trying triumph by moving away from that which never seemed to suit her soul… but what’s this got anything to do with me? was I birthed here indeed?


Our home sits directly across the street from a cemetery

with a horrendous possum problem. Possums by the plenty

possibly only play dead as part of some pretentious jest


We met frequently at a certain intersection I dare not name for fear of courthouse consequence. I never asked for this. The leftover booze- backpack backpack- from yesterday was ready for me to savor hastily... Indeed, a dire need, to be buzzed enough so the many moody monsters on the streets got no motive to steal your soul or psyche.

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SSmoothie's picture

I suppose it is. Coffee is

I suppose it is. Coffee is good. Daisies are good, sage bush pruned is good... but... yeah hey. 

I like the mundane quality of this as we often pretend these things don't exist or dont affect us. Shell shocked or post traumatic.real or imagined is just as powerful as these every day iconograma in your poetry. Just marvellous! Now say thankyou. You have coffee. Coffee is good, daisies are good... sage bush is pruned... that's good...but... yeah hey? 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Pungus's picture

yeah okay

I enjoy these fine comments of yours way too much to settle for a mere thanks ay maybe let simmer for a minute or month yeah baybay

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not