it happened quick



never expected to become

such a fucking loser

dropping off my goals

like sweaty socks

after a meagre jog

now i just walk

and take things lazier

than a hibernating bear

still i trust the process

i always knew it was impossible

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S74rw4rd's picture

This reminds me of one of my

This reminds me of one of my dormitory in 1977 who, having finished a jog, returned to toss his sweaty socks on to his absent roommate's fastidiously made bed (made as if in a motel room).  Then because of the heat, he put on a sleeveless tee to which he added baggy, bootcut jeans.  He selected flipflops, but during our short walk to the Dining Hall, the flops just dangled from his right hand's fingers; and, during the meal, they sat on one of the untaken chairs at our table.  His flip-flops did not get a lot of mileage on campus.


Pungus's picture

trick or treat, smell my feet

trick or treat, smell my feet

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

ramonathompsont's picture

strong words with a powerful

strong words with a powerful message. you have talent

Pungus's picture

Aw thank you!

Aw thank you!

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not