Valuable thought #1



They like to play games, with no goal in mind but power

and no good kind either

psychological containment

to keep society

subdued and stupid

void of any truth

They like to play games, whereat we are only seen

as plastic pieces

dispensible even to the sickest level

like diseased feces

and for what reason

you tell me

I like to play games too

and whilst you so vainly beiieve

you are studying me

well, I am studying you.

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grimfate's picture

en passant

Bravo and how true, be carful studying such poisoned specimens, lest you succumb to their vile toxin.

this is not the end, this is not the begining of the end, this is merely the end of the begining.

Pungus's picture

thank you

thank you quite. this one felt good to write; it's nice when Poetry comes full circle, like this did, effortlessly.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not