head on a platter



i find it a bit odd that

my mind, my thoughts are

the only ones on broadcast

meanwhile, the patrons in the bar

sit back slurping their potions

(a newbie pukes, i speak the truth)

between neck-bent laughs

slappin eachother's shoulderblades

while drooling over shrimp

stuttery mumbly commentaries..

a 'dead head' is on the menu

this isn't some random reference

to the hippie movement

matter a fact, the band in the venue

has not an avenue to explore

but exploit the boys

with background noise

i sit, twitching in every direction

what dares make manifest

a blessing from this lesson

deny the scene's seeming to

make an idol out of you

and cast their chants and ramblings


loop, loop and enjoy your brew

make no credible mention

of the fleeting truth you peruse

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SSmoothie's picture

Yeah, the ol plank out of

Yeah, the ol plank out of your eye before you take the speck out of someone else's... oblivious is the new way of life or death... keen observations you. Am see it all even with your eyes closed... yeah sin, rinse, repeat, Mybe one day they notice? Maybe they won't being different is one thing, knowing who you are is another which is a more powerful identity? The one you create, or the one that endures? The reflection of self or the actual self. Some deep and profound nooks and crannies in this expert observation. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Pungus's picture


by golly, girl, you sure do cover a lot of ground with that little mind of yours in such brief space.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not