prancing on petite feet



chowing down

on the fruits of

fantasy land...

i thought when i brought her

a complimentary handful

of daisies, maybe she would

consider using that vase

her grandmother passed

her cat had passed away

i sauntered upon that

secret path, never known

by imagination bewitched

the confines of my home,

bones lonely and cold

i am bolder than you!

yesYES yes yes yes!!!


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Pungus's picture

Yall's comments is better

Yall's comments is better than drugs I swear

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

SSmoothie's picture

My favourite thing is your

My favourite thing is your duality and the broken use of grammar or lack there of can easily twist the reader into many directions and fractals of the poetic nuance. My favourite of these:


"sauntered upon that

secret path, never known

by imagination bewitched

the confines of my home,"


I read it many different ways until I found the one that I resonated with 

Which was 

The secret path travelled upon by those who have not had their imagination compromised by the gamut of controlling ideas where ideas are still free 

And that is where you live untainted or rather unaffected, this made you impervious to minor fears 


And hence we are re reminded of bones with no flesh and no warmth, lifeless, but daisy chains triumph through the vortex of mind peace overcomes and with boldness gentleness arrives to conquer with hope and love 


Stumbling on a vase handed down by grandmother 

Used rather to store a deceased cat rather morosely yet pehaps daisies wore it [vase] better ! Yes YES Yes yes yes I liked it alot! Thanks for the fruit for thought. 


Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

I enjoyed that moment when

I enjoyed that moment when the sad,  heavy tone switched suddenly and you knew your strength: 


"yesYES yes yes yes!!!"


You have an ability to unwrap all the nuances of the human story in startling new ways. That takes skill. Always a pleasure to visit here.