Crippled crayon scripts in a scrapbook,
Bunch a baby braids, a playa no doubt
Whose hookah lymphnodes
Set upon revolving glassball tables
Which spin in a spherical
Or like lyrically entrapped
Odd, stupefied messhall;
Murderous trance of time
Wack hell out of balance
Questioning yet what a divine
Chime of smoky shapes;
Newborn birdtricks twits twat
Chirps and flirts a lot
In squatting posture.
What prey hast learned today?
by Pungus
(PS It is I)
The poetic gymnastics, the
The poetic gymnastics, the acrobatic alliteration, the experimental metrics . . . the entire trip was a uniquely satisfying challenge.
Once I was deep in the rabbit hole, I was enjoying the mystifying artistry of it all, and although I can't say that I succeeded in unraveling every line, I admire your rare, edgy and audacious flights of diction that follow in the footsteps of groundbreaking, avant-garde word artists such as Allen Ginsberg who celebrated his eccentricity and wrote "without fear".
These lines, for me, made me feel as if I had struck gold and impressed me as the motherload of imagination:
"Murderous trance of time
Wack hell out of balance"
Some opulent eloquence. You rock!
Thank you, I sure do
Thank you, I sure do appreciate your comment, it is the longest comment I ever got
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not