Overcharged Ovaries



A shared theme between ‘Split’.. by famous

Night) and ‘the Devide’ by unknown director

still a film we reeled in the Proclumationz..

There appears to be a bit of a shift.. okay?

in the manner we conceive of our identity,

Like urchins in Yin River afloat all day  and

Are sweetly agape with sticky secretions..


by Pungus

(PS It is I)

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patriciajj's picture

"Like urchins in Yin River

"Like urchins in Yin River afloat all day"


More cutting-edge brilliance from the ninja of metaphors. I'm always fascinated to find out what your imagination is going to conjure up next. Love what you did with this theme. Score!

SSmoothie's picture

Um, yes, well... reminds me

Um, yes, well... reminds me of a joke I heard  l- a woman only needs 1 shot once a month to produce a baby... men need 180 million once a day to make a baby... 180 million of those little guys and one egg hoping just one at least stops and asks for directions! Lol.... yes a shift but is it necessary? Definitely a stick one . Wink wink! 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."