Thinking about my drinking history



Love of my life displayed as a mirage-

Multicolored peacock feathers flaunt

Feverishly upon the screen of dreamlike

Patterns which seem to stream from

Still intricacies, enticements alluring.

Unseen unfurling sails of a solemn ship

Dread avast rocking horizon whitecaps.

The mermaids pose, who lay so scathed

Voluptuous hips with pearl-green scales

As they flaunt their tails with flips

And call to me with red, whispering lips

So that I may tell them my own...


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With a kaleidoscope of

With a kaleidoscope of imagery, you certainly captured the tumultuous journey with all its "Still intricacies, enticements alluring" and that femme fatale of escape that calls "with red, whispering lips". Your metaphorical sorcery is amazing!


For me, alcohol was a merciless tyrant, and I find the battle preferable to the bondage. I can absolutely relate to your depictions in this stunning tapestry. Powerful stuff.