Deflecting shadows


My heart is hollow-

That poor little withered

Writhing rose;

Shoulders hunched

Or huddled, rushing

My self-wrapped

Coffin, sarcophagus

For spirits unearthed

Resting but a while

To roam the sands

Once again, and moan,

And come to grips with

The ancestral elements

Cracking in the wind,

Dry thunder without rain,

And trample those bones

Of the Vultured War’s

Huts and homes of mud-

Forgotten foolish ghouls!

Left to wander thru waste

Hopeful to find a wife...

Alas, but none come by

To visit me... physically


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redbrick's picture

Reminds me of being

Reminds me of being 'springrolled' in a duvet all wrapped up in a not so rigid coffin of one's own making. Don't know why it took me there. And a hopeful wife is for some comfort much better than a hateful wife. But there are those who love the making up after the breakings up. We are so complicated and simple at the same time!

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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