Your land is nothing but sand



If aliens are in the outer galaxies

Scheming stars into constellations

What plans do they have with us,

Since animals happened to sprout

Feeding themselves into wild form

Friend or foe, or comrades

Or spawns of the underworld

And also earth's avengers?


The celestial gods control the Orbseed.

Baby planets are but braceletted beads

Blue and green- fireworks of dreams-

Ether ignites into candleflame reveries

Riding so high the serpents in the sky


Face to face with death... with a steel pipe

Wielded by a heroin-addict in a playground.


End all games.


Light bubbles of god conscious- are they

Cellular stragglers, the delirium of a much

Simpler state than a sad person hurting,

Found the peaceful place they sought to escape to?


Actually, you know what interest me more

Than fruitarianism, is shamanism. And to

Combine the two might go hand in hand in

Presenting supercharged enchantments.


Nice throw, nice catch.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Molly caught her first treat today after I demonstrated I would be tossing it a few times. So not only did she catch the treat but she also caught on to the meaning of my mime with her beautiful brain.

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S74rw4rd's picture

I really like your strong

I really like your strong imagery and your always unique phrase structures.


Pungus's picture

And I really like your

And I really like your comments.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

S74rw4rd's picture

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.
