The skinny kid with bleached, baggy band shirt-
a few holes from cigarette burns here and there-
singled me out between bells when we crossed
thru highschool halls to inquire about whether I
knew of any acid hooks. (Let the magnetism of
this approach act as a personal character appeal,
as well, an idea of my own misfit presentation.)
He wore a dangly earring on his left ear with a
modest silver spike on the same lobe right above;
on his other ear shone a single standard globe.
His hair was brown like a mare's mane, but more
greasy, slicked back to his protruding shoulders
which you could clearly notice beneath that silken,
thin fabric of his baggy band shirt. The veins on
his arms were vascular to the effect of compelling
concern in caring moms, who cook chicken soup
to make them strong. Yes, quite the sight alright..
Why sorry?
Why sorry?
My poor poetics
My poor poetics
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not
With the utmost respect, I
With the utmost respect, I must disagree with the word "poor." I have seen "poor" on this site, and your poem is nothing like that. Your poem is very descriptive, with a sharp focus on detail to give its content a highly realistic resonance. I read the poem with great interest, and I certainly hope you will write more like it. Having read Poetry since 1973, and writing it since 1994, I think I have a bit of credibility behind me when I say that this poem is not, in any way, "poor."