Rattlesnake---Part 3


The slender hermit crawled out of his cave

And sported a very warm welcome indeed,

A splendid shawl tossed over his shoulders,

Collarbones protruding from his tan skin.

He outstretched his arms into heartfelt hug

Which the boy was most joyous to share.

The mystic man had just finished a night

Of insomniac moon rituals, intense yoga

Of which this was the fifteenth sequence.

He requires a bit of conscious breathing

Exercises as he strolls around the boulders

And asks if the boy would care to join him.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Uncertainty lingers

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saiom's picture

  spiritual enlightenment for


spiritual enlightenment for the strong and disciplined



S74RW4RD's picture

I like your evolving style in

I like your evolving style in this poem.  The lingering uncertainty is part of the total evocative power of the poem, and the coy glimpses of a world like ours, but apparently not entirely like ours, keeps the interest mounting.
