Cottage shingled in stars



Responsibilities overwhelm,

A nuisance to the silence I crave

(Lonely statues in a dim cave)

Where desire is undesired and

Retirement is ultimate fashion,

Naked and glittering with droplets 

Of my gently rushing river bath-

This seems to be too much to ask

When in fact it is the smallest

Thing a man of earth can wish for--

Instead I am bound to meaningless

Chores that fumigate my soul while

Chemical awareness takes its toll...

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saiom's picture


I wish you many miracles... God materializing cash for you..

e.g. My husband and I were standing broke in Lake Erie one day with no

$ to drive home. .. when we saw a $20 bill at his ankle.

"Ask and you shall receive"  so I ask God to shower you with blessings..



Pungus's picture

You should know

I think your prayers are working, and for that I thank you

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not