A toast!



After all those

Words that turn

And linger like

An ameteur singer's

Gasping array,

Unworried we nod.

We still sing along.

After all, a toast!

The Spirit of God

Guides our fingers

And spits forth

A fervent flame

Burning beauty.


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S74RW4RD's picture

This is an excellent

This is an excellent testimony, as well as being a good poem, and I see that you have received a comment from Patriciajj, who, in my opinion, is postpoems' finest Poet.  And, if I may be so bold, I encourage you to study her work.  I used to think, some time ago, that my undergraduate reading of poetry had been random and even haphazzard.  But reading her Poetry made me realize that I was being prepared, even decades before, to be able to appreciate her poems.  I urge you to read, study, and then read again, her great and cosmic vision.  I would urge this even before urging a reading and study of Stevens of Eliot.


patriciajj's picture

Rising above the world's

Rising above the world's vapid words, "like an amateur singer's/ gasping array", you revealed, with deep wisdom and shining eloquence, the source of your inspiration. Sublime!