innocent man



anomaly tears roll

out of the crevice

of my eyeball holes

thinking about stuff

that causes enough

a sad sobbing bluff

to trickle and pour

down down down

my bearded cheeks

i am innocent man

who tastes like salt


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The taste of salt within your

The taste of salt within your spirit is a good aspect:  in Saint Mark's Gospel, Jesus tells us to have salt within ourselves (9:49).  I do not quote Scripture lightly, or simply to bandy it about.  As soon as I read the poem's final two lines, I felt compelled---by that poem---to look up the reference.  One of the aspects of a good poem, especially if it is spiritual, is that it sends up searching for references, allusions, and what Eliot called "hints and guesses."  I applaud this poem, and its effects.
