time to let go

i will be leaving in a few days...

will you miss me? will you care?

deep in my heart i fear not for a minute

this is the town were i was raised

a memory of years gone by and

many changes, many new faces

a place that once was safe and carefree

is now grown up and carries with it all

the dangers that man has to offer

no longer a safe haven for the innocent

nor a place for God's creatures to roam

mother nature weeps for her loss

passing time on the glider that sits on the porch

i reminisce of goodtimes i once had here

i think about the family weekend gatherings

it is mid afternoon in August

no children to be seen or heard

i know they reside on this street

no outside games where imagination is used

absent of street hockey, skating, jumprope,

to mention a few, including the sports games

i hang my head to hide the stream of tears

flowing down my cheeks, ashamed of myself

to judge what this town opted for it to grow

this will be my last goodbye to memories

good, bad, past and present...

to a place i no longer know

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Shashi Krishna's picture

You never fail to amaze me with your ability to dig out the deepest emotions of the human nature. I was very moved by this piece of work since I have had to face similar emotions in the past. I share this feeling with you. Well penned and keep writing.

Corey Fox's picture

good visions, especially since i have never been "there". i still feel it. Please check out my stuff. one love Corey & co