Spring In the Air

Spring is coming.

It soon will be here.

Flowers are blooming,

The buds' opening clear.

Vivid colors everywhere,

Stand out above the lush green.

Trees have leaves,

that gently sway,

to the rhythm of the breeze.

The meadow is full

and calling me to

come and enjoy the scene.

Please, please come with me,

and romp in the meadow there.

Like two pups, we'll romp and play,

to nature's music everywhere.

When we tire, we'll lay side by side,

and of Spring in the air, we'll dream.

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Butch Lesley's picture

We ain't as young as we used to be so we would probably get to the laying side by side and dreaming rather quickly...LOL
A nice read...refreshing

onelilartist's picture

Isn't it funny how much the hint of spring can excite that inner child? I feel reborn in springtime. Its quiet vibrant beauty makes my heart sing. Too bad it's 19 degrees here tonight. LOL.