
You are a gentleman,

a true gentleman.

Never a cross word

pass your lips.

All who know you,

admire you so.

Your stature is tall

and always erect.

Your skin darkened

by the elements.

Flawless to ones sight

you protect both

day and night.

Your torch glows green

when all is well, it's fine.

Tragedy changes the glow

to red.

Noticeable to all:

A warning sign.

When holiday (vacation) came

for me and mine.

Off to B'ham we'd ride.

To rock the mountains

with dance and pride.

Gaggle of friends

by my side.

Setting atop Red Mountain

Looming o'er the city

You stand...

Tall, dark, handsome

and ALWAYS erect.

without disrespect,

you serve and protect.

Made of iron,

resting on a stone stage.

"The Vulcan Statue" should

be in constant reform.

Keeping with his age.

I do not travel anymore,

but, in my mind he is stored,

with the memories of good times

the future to be explored.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For the gang in B'ham and those of us scattered.

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Teresa Jacobs's picture

I like this piece. Very nice.

Deborah Russell's picture

Linda, I enjoy your writing greatly. I am taking time to read a little today, and discovered you again. It is always a nice visit. Deborah