Epworth Heights

(devoid of origin)

Eighteen hours past

twelve hours worked

my destiny reached...

As I faltered behind

the wheel, insomnia easing,

eyelids giving up to sleep

    there it was...

A two story dwelling

proudly resting on

the hill's crest.

Setting upon virgin soil.

Surrounded by nature's beauty

an aura hynotizing any passerby

to enter her abode.

Greeted by Goldie, a frail

pixie, up in years welcoming

strangers into her lair.

"Come in, take your clothes off

invite your friend. Come, come

we'll sit and talk a bit.

Tommy isn't home right now

      my dear.

A cup a tea, apiece of pie and

shortly he will arrive."

She spoke softly of years gone by.

Of losses, gains and simplicity

      of style.

Of Alfie, Robert, TJ and Tommy.

Her furnishings original,

plain lines in sets.

Each room was empty

      of clutter; yet...

The pantry stocked with

home-canned goods and a fresh

       baked pumpkin pie.

(was very pleasing to the eye).

The musty odor of old merged

with the aroma of home-baked goods

blended with the outer exterior of

an Eden amidst the...



Author's Notes/Comments: 

an attempt to recreate the original that was lost or stollen.
In memory of Goldie and TJ              06/04/01

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Eric Cockrell's picture

a sense of beauty, of old and new, wistful... nice poem. eric

Deborah Russell's picture

Ummm I think I read these backwards, but this is a nice earthy piece, awakens the sensory.

Carla Mobley's picture

I liked the homey images here. An interesting mix of images!